Crossroads Progressive Discipline Structure

Crossroads Progressive Discipline Structure

Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe

Climate Team: Dr. Bright, Principal, Mr. O’Conner, Climate Manager, and

Ms. Konczyk, Dean of Student

Level 1: A consequence is the natural or logical result of breaking a classroom or school rule. Consequences can include, but are not limited to: warnings, teacher/student discussion, restorative circle, time-out in safe space located in the classroom for no more than 15 minutes, parent/teacher call or conference, or loss of student privilege, detention (recess, activity, etc.). Teacher-led disciplinary actions are most frequently of a consequential nature. Always make parents aware when a student in your room violates the school rules and the SDP Code of Conduct.

Level 2: Community service is a restorative measure of the seizure of a student’s personal time as restitution for misconduct that is to the benefit of the school community.  The Climate Manager and the Dean of Students are the only personnel that can impose community service.  This determination is made after the Eh-20 is submitted.  The Dean of Students and/or the Climate Manager will inform the teacher of the consequence at this level. Parent call is required.

Level 3: Restorative Center is used when occurs when a child does not respond to Level 1-2 interventions. The Counselor, Climate Manager, Dean of Students, and/or teacher must use the restorative center to teach the student(s) skills to identify what they felt and provide them with strategies to practice to de-escalate themselves when they encounter that feeling again.  Requires a parent call.

Level 4: Parent Meeting occurs between the administrator, parent, and student to discuss the offenses that have led up to this point.  Parent meetings are used when there is documentation that Level 1 through Level 3 disciplinary procedures were not effective.  Teachers are to indicate on the EH-20 that a parent meeting is needed because the student has returned to class/school exhibiting disruptive behaviors after a Level 3 consequence. If the parent does not show up, and the child does, then it becomes a Level 5.  A parent call is required. If the parent is not able to be reached, a home visit will be required.

Level 5: Suspension from the educational program of the schools is the most severe sanction that can be imposed on a student and one that cannot be imposed without attempting Levels 1-4 interventions.  The parent/guardian shall be informed of the suspension by the Climate Manager or the Dean of Students before the end of the school day.  A meeting with the parent to reinstate the student will be held on the date the student is required to return.  Requires a parent call from the Climate Team ONLY.

Level 6: Home visit. Home visits are utilized when there are unsuccessful attempts at reaching the parents for any reason. Teachers are to make the counselor aware of any student that has accrued more than 3 absences where a parent cannot be reached.

The below offenses provide personnel with the level at which to apply consequences.  All are to adhere to the structure.


ELOPEMENT: Parent Call required at all levels. Document all conversations.

Cutting Class or Cutting Teacher-Issued Detention:

Level 1: Notify the Climate team through SLACK APP. Teacher restores child when they are returned to the classroom.

Level 2: Notify the Climate team through SLACK APP. Complete EH-20. Teacher  consequence.

Level 3: Notify team through SLACK APP, COMPLETE EH-20. Restorative center with the counselor, Climate Manager, or Dean of Students the following day.

Level 4: Parent Meeting request by teacher through slack app.

Level 5: One day suspension


Level 3: Restorative Center

Level 4: Parent Call and Lunch Detention with Climate Manager, Dean, or Counselor

Level 5: Two-day suspension

Students are required to respect the property and space of adjacent school. Any student who enters private property adjacent to the schools may be subject to prosecution for trespassing and subject to discipline


Pre-step: Make the Climate team aware through the SLACK APP, Call Parent, Locate the child.

Level 4: Parent Meeting

Level 5: Two-day suspension

Attendance Offenses:

Level 6: Home visit.  After 4 absences with unsuccessful attempts of reaching the parent, a home visit must be done by the Climate Manager/Dean of Students and/or the Counselor.



Level 1: Warning/Reminder that that language is not appropriate for the classroom. (Help the child choose a substitute word rather than the inappropriate word)

Level 2: Parent phone call

Level 3: Restorative Center

Level 4: Parent Meeting

Students are prohibited from using profane language or making obscene gestures to anyone in or about the school. The goal is to curtail profanity in the classroom.  The climate team will apply consequences when the child uses profanity in the common areas of the building.  In addition, teachers are prohibited from using profanity in the presence of students.

Defiance of Authority:

Level 1: Notify the Parents, teacher consequence.

Level 2: Community Service. Complete the EH-20 and make climate team aware through the SLACK APP.

Level 3: Restorative center.

Students who defy and/or refuse to follow a reasonable directive of a teacher, administrator or school district employee acting within the scope of his/her authority is considered insubordinate and in defiance of authority.

Mutual Fighting/Simple Assault:

Level 1: Notify the climate team through the slack app. Complete EH-20 for all involved.

Level 1: The instigator(s) of the fight sent to a buddy teacher room for the rest of the day.

Level 2-5: After the investigation, consequence to be determined by Climate Team.

Fighting occurs when two (2) or more students are mutually throwing punches or wrestling with each other. In addition, failure to stop fighting, upon the direction of a staff member to do so, may result in additional consequences.

Sexual Misconduct:

Statements must be collected by the Climate Manager. Parents of each child involved must be notified after the investigation.  Depending on the age of the offender(s), PPD and SPO must be notified by the Counselor.

Level 4: Parent Meeting. Notify the administrative team through the SLACK APP. Complete an EH-20.

Students are prohibited from engaging in any sexual conduct, including, but not limited to, indecent contact and/or sexual intercourse as defined by Section 3101 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code, on school property or at school-sponsored activities.

Intimidation and Harassment

Level 1: Teacher Consequence in addition to SLACK APP notification and a completed Eh-20.

Level 1: The instigator(s) of the harassment/intimidation are sent to a buddy teacher room for the rest of the day.

Level 2-5: After the investigation, consequence to be determined by Climate Team.


Level 1: Teacher Consequence in addition to SLACK APP notification and a completed Eh-20.

Level 1: The instigator(s) of the bullying are sent to a buddy teacher room for the rest of the day.

Level 3: After the investigation, restorative center.

Level 4: Parent Meeting

Level 5: Suspension


Inappropriate Use of Technology:

Level 1: Teacher consequence.

Level 2: Support the CS Teacher in collecting and cleaning the cache of each computer in the building.

Level 3: Restorative enter

Level 4: Parent Meeting

Damage to Property: SPO’s have to be notified. Notify Climate team through SLACK APP. Parents must be notified and brought in for a Parent meeting.

Level 2: Community Service

Level 4: Parent Meeting to pay for Object under $500.00

Theft of Property:

Level 4: Parent Meeting

Level 5: Suspension 1-10 days and Police Intervention

Intended Deception: Notify the Climate team through the SLACK APP and complete the EH-20.

Level 3: Police Intervention and Parent Meeting

Level 4: Suspension

Any student who brings food or other products that look like tobacco production, but are not, to school and displays such items, is considered to be disrupting the learning environment, and is subject to discipline. Such items will be confiscated.

Inappropriate Dress or Grooming:

Level 1: School assist with finding uniform apparel/Call parent

Level 4: Parent Meeting.



Bus Violations: Parent(s) must be called by the Climate Manager.  CLimate Manager receives and respond/investigates the slips that are received from the bus company.

Level 4: Parent Meeting

Level 5: Bus suspension

Students who violate the BUS RULES AND REGULATIONS may be subject to the following sanctions: parental notification, temporary or permanent removal of bus privileges and/or discipline.