
Welcome to Crossroads Academy at Hunting Park

What Can Students Expect?

Teachers and support staff at Crossroads Academy address both disruptive behavior and academic issues.  A lower student to staff ratio allows our teachers and staff the ability to offer more individualized attention.

Students learn to improve study habits, social skills and anger management techniques while continuing regular school curriculum and completing the requirements for graduation.

The students attend a full day of school and follow a similar curriculum that they would in a traditional middle or high school setting.

Crossroads Academy attempts to individualize the curriculum to meet each student’s abilities and needs.

Life skills training and counseling is another important part of the daily routine.

Additionally, an in-house incentive program offers students the challenge to improve grades, attendance and participate in community service.


Advisory Highlights

Mindset Mantra – Excuses poem and core values

  • Our core values help to establish a common language around the mental, academic, and social atmosphere we seek to foster.
  • The Excuses poem provides everyone with a verbal reminder that we are all accountable for meeting the goals and expectations identified for our individual and shared success.

Restorative Circles – A brief time is used to set the tone for the day by focusing on community building, goal setting, and respectful communication.

  • Sitting in a circle is a structured way of bringing people together. The circle represents equity and community as everyone can be seen, are the same height, and the circle shape is unbroken.
  • Circle keepers are responsible for emphasizing equity, setting a safe and respectful tone, keeping the flow moving, and introducing prompts/instructions.
  • The talking piece is an object used to increase respectful listening and models the importance of every voice.
  • The centerpiece represents the center of the community, reminds us of our collective nature, and provides a place for participants to rest their eyes.
  • Shared agreements represent the things participants are personally willing to do in their time together.

Online Intervention Block – A Tier 2 support that occurs outside of the core instructional time that provides strategic academic activities to accelerate a student’s rate of learning.

  • Students use iReady as an online intervention to complete a minimum of 60 minutes of instruction in both literacy and mathematics.
  • Monday and Thursday students complete 30 minutes of literacy instruction per day. Tuesday and Friday students complete 30 minutes of mathematics instruction per day. Wednesday are used to address key areas of deficit.

Guided Reading – A strategic instructional block used to become fluent, skilled readers.

  • Students partner with the teacher to work on specific skills to help close their gaps in learning.